Friday 18 February 2011

Oh Dear

Seems I've upset one of those needy persons who depicts herself as a caring, sharing individual but really is an insecure bitchy 'I must be loved by all' individual.

This exchange was the result at an obvious, to anyone with intelligence, pun I posted on a Facebook 'friends' wall in response to his worry over depression and whether it may be related to S.A.D. - Seasonal Affective Disorder - the effect lack of sunshine can have on depression and a comment made by a Lacy Durham..

"Lacy Durham Fly me there, you will cured upon the plane landing.
Yesterday at 06:23 · Like · 1 person

I replied with:

Simon Jones Ah, the sun must shine outta your bum?
Yesterday at 09:35 · Like · 1 person

I then received a 'friend' request from Lacy Durham as it was the only way she could send me her first message, since apparently deleted by her so I can't copy the vituperous message that accompanied the request. I do recall it began with 'I don't want to be your friend' then continued with her bitter diatribe.

I am, however, able to copy/paste the following exchanges, redacting the name of the person who's initial worry began this ..

Between Lacy Durham and You

Simon Jones 18 February at 01:18
I forgot being Xxxxx's Fb friend you'd probably be an American, and apparently, sadly, unlike my other American friends, one of those without a sense of humour. The 'sun shining out of your bum' quip was a pun on the fact that Xxxxx was wondering whether he was suffering from S.A.D. ... Seasonal Affective Disorder, the depression attributed to 'winter blues' being lack of sunshine/vitamin D.
I'm sorry it is you who doesn't have the intelligence to recognise the nuance nor to appreciate the subtleties of language used for humour, which is in fact a wonderful way to help combat depression. I did private message Xxxxx re S.A.D. and vitamin D deficiency which is a known side effect of the TX he undertook along with trying to cheer him up with some humour.
I did not accept your 'friend' request which I appreciate was done purely to enable your sad (another pun for your unappreciative eyes) message. I'd suggest you try to broaden your appreciation of humour beyond your American slapstick.

Lacy Durham 18 February at 02:21 Report
Typical Aussie and UK loser, I have degrees and need nothing explained to me by an angry poor loser. No suggestions here and thank goodness for the block function. I have been to Aussie and all over the world. Y'all are one sad, sad, idiotic bunch. Later, loser.

Simon Jones 18 February at 16:03
Really? .. you have degrees ? May I ask where you purchased them?
You've travelled and seem still to be one of those 'ugly and apparently racist Americans', generally those with a low self-esteem generating from a slowly dawning recognition of their own uninformed myopic view of the world .. I too 'have degrees' (4) however I regard them as secondary to intelligence, something you appear to be lacking, along with a sense of humour. I have travelled all over this world, have appreciated people of all cultures, and actually generally like Americans, now with the exception of you.

Your use of such childish, uninformed nd generalising phrases such as 'typical Aussie and UK loser' and 'later, loser' only serves to reinforce my opinion that you not only lack in intelligence and a decent education but also a reasonable vocabulary. Like your name, you are easily seen through, not having you as a Fb friend only makes me a winner.

So, Lacy, if you want to hide your true nature, don't expose it on the internet.

Sunday 11 July 2010

Me, Myself & The Dude - An Unholy Trinity

- Me, Myself & The Dude - The Unholy Trinity

This is a reprint of a post I made on another forum where the person in question preyed. He also blogs on Blogger as Me, Myself & The Dude - hence the title!

The True Picture - A 5ft 4in, toothless, charmless predator trying to impress vulnerable women on forums set up to support people going through chemotherapy.

Having known this guy personally, meeting him whilst on TX,(antiviral combination treatment) and considered him a friend for 18 months or so, meeting for coffee etc.,two or three times a week, going to his home and he to mine during this period I believe I can speak with the greatest knowledge of this person. I used to laugh at what I thought was this guy's naivete with regards to relationships and dealing with young people, such as his -now ex, girlfriends 10 yo daughter. Areas such as considering her daughter was interested in him, buying her A Valentines day card when he bought one for his -now ex-girlfriend, to ' make her feel not left out'! (I did advise against this) It was only after a year or so of listening to this guys chat on 'conquests', stories of his relationship with his -now ex -girlfriend, misogynistic attitude to women, strange beliefs (eg. 'women fancy men with no front teeth', you guessed it,he's got none either) and Victorian attitudes regarding mens and womens roles in relationships, that I began to realise that what I had dismissed as naivete was actually a ploy to disguise his true self centred, predatory nature. Little wonder his email address and messenger name was Nihilist_1!This post by me has one aim. This is to 'wake up' readers with regard to his ill-advised support of this guy and his sexist nonsensical pseudotheosophical preaching on this thread/blog, and lend my support to those challenging the morality of a forum which supports this person when the truth be told. A few female members of this forum (3) have told me of being uncomfortable with the approaches made by this guy to them in PMs and emails, only one has 'okayed' me divulging her name. I have collected below a sampling of some of this guys recent posts on this thread. I have commented after each one with regard to his contradictions and detailing how this fabricated persona he has created in this thread is belied by the truth of what he has told me personally and obvious when one critically scans this thread!

Me Myself and The Dude Mar.1, 2008
Writing abook about HCV side effects & methods of coping wuz an idea. Cos I'm good at ideas, seeing wot is 'so to speak.' But at no time did I state dat I would indeed could write such (March 1,2008)

(comment) No? Then why have you been emailing anyone you know who has any influence to support your proposal for funding for YOU to write this book? This includes Chrissy and JB on the Nomads forum.
Me, Myself and The Dude Feb.27, 2008
Funny how dis country [china] was brought to it's knees through it's penchant for Opium, suplied by the British. The country was in a state of decay tho (Feb 27, 2008)

(comment) Hmmm. I recall sitting on the Putney bank of the Thames, early last year, explaining to you, Dud, about The Opium Wars, and British/Chinese history, of which you knew absolutely nothing. Now you're an expert?


Me Myself and The Dude Feb.25, 2008 Whilst I was doing ten days silence at Suan Mohk the Abbot [Arjanpoh] had a visitor from the Navy a real importent(sic) guy. There was a Cameraman present, I've no idea what dey talked about! But laughed imagining him {Abbot Poh} giving the usual answer (Feb.25,2008)

(comment) What a load of B.S.. The story you told me, over a coffee and liqueurs in Putney (2007), was that you didn't last more than 4 days, which is when you 'did a runner' and settled for hiring some young girl from a bar to come 'live' with you for a week in a rented shack/bungalow.


Me, Myself and The Dude Feb.12, 2008
Tis a text from SGI Buddhism who come under the Mayahana teachings; Mayahana Buddhism wuz written 2000 odd years ago Daishonin lived in Japan in the twelth century ad & empowered the people to take (Feb.12,2008)

(comment) 12th century? WRONG! I realise it's not easy trying to set yourself up as some sort of spiritual leader, but try to get your history right if you want to establish any credibility!


Me, Myself and The Dude Feb.27, 2008
Indeed I refer to Confucious a person who championed conflict through codes of conduct. These codes solutions meant no one left with a bad taste in their mouth. Buddhism spread from India & took hold in East Asia tis a fascinating subject & now for summin completely different............ (Feb.27,2008)

Confucious -sic- Not only can you not spell his name correctly, but nowhere in the 499 sayings of Confucius, (The Lun Yu) will you find Confucius 'championed conflict'! This would be contrary to the teachings of Confucius!"


Me, Myself and The Dude Mar.1, 2008
At the Rotary club meal I sat next to on my, left visiting Rotaract visiters two from abroad one girl from Bulgaria den another from New Zealand. On my right wuz a very quiet peaceful guy [Finance} an a very knowledgable Teacher/Lecturer who knew all about peoples names [British] fascinating we had a good rap about Thailand. Anyway the young lady on my left from Bulgaria had very large eyes [not un attractive] So I asked her about Bulgaria, aparently there are only two million of dem & surrounded by mountains. I described the UK as a Bath tub in the ocean. Said "I bet Bulgaria is bigger" she replied with a smile, I thought yeah friggin bathtub overflowing with foreign owners jus picking us of like rabbits. Gotta go the dude (Mar.1. 2008)

(comment) Ahhh, Now this is more like the true reasons for this guys 'Theosodrivel'! Here he admits to being attracted by this young ladies 'very large eyes' and 'so I asked her about Bulgaria', i.e. He doesn't give a fat rats ass about Bulgaria just wants to get into her pants. He then finishes off with a revealing comment from his true bigoted racist thinking. ( We've all seen his references to 'Japs')


Me, Myself and The Dude Mar.1, 2008
wot there are a lot of people more able than I to speak of such tings. Our life experiences are our own domain but in dose experiences mold us into who we are. Krishnamurti says it better than I. Please do not interpret my writing as preaching nor condemn me for seeking sexual release with whores in the past. It is all in the past & have no wish to partake with ladies of the night again. Wot I saw/experienced wuz a world of suffering mixed with acceptance, an adventure experience {equiped with Ultra safe] I wuz a single guy. In fact surviving Thailand meant getting called the King by the locals raising a smile wherever I went. Keen to eat mix with the locals. It is the only way to travel y'all have a good day I'm starving ciao The Dude. (March 1, 2008)

(comment) You lying ****. That is precisely what you told me you intended after waiting out the monsoon season in Scotland! You'd go to Thailand for a stay in the monastery but probably not last the full two weeks and go reacquaint yourself with the young bar-girl for another week-long session. I have no doubt you raised a smile on the face of the locals wherever you went - pity or raucus laughter no doubt!


Me, Myself and The Dude Mar.1, 2008
we do not judge or indict people on expressing demselves. Indeed if persons find/seek nurture in conflict & aggressive actions/stances one must ask oneself WHY? For dat is summin dey dare not face & so wot (March 1, 2008)

(comment) Ah such B.S. from THIS GUY, who told me face to face of wanting to pull a pillowcase over his head and lay in wait with an iron bar for someone he thought was double-crossing him over the sale of his flat! Who also writes of wanting to 'bottle' a female forum member over his paranoid belief that she was the cause of his most recent relationship problems.


Me, Myself and The Dude Nov.26 2007
Life for me is hard enuff never hav Iknown such interferance by someone who has no business in my relationships. Dis person does Bogey: Bottle it woman Surprised Surprised Oh das good Bogey bet she gotta a lotta bottles she can use lol....sic

(comment) This post has been editted by this guy and although still suggestive does not read as the original post did where he stated that he knows where he'd like to put, the bottle! He goes on in this post to state he 'suggested sarcastically that perhaps she was in love with him. No, actually he tried to tell his -now ex-girlfriend that this woman had propositioned him, and was acting as a woman scorned, but when challenged to state this publicly, backed down! This guys hatred of this woman is because she supported his -now ex, she woke up to him- girlfriend when the Dud was demanding she stop having a bottle of wine occasionally but wanted her to start taking diazepam, so she could help support his use! He also stated he found her more maneageable on diazepam. Yeah, doped women are no doubt easier to control than one who gets a little bolshie after some wine!


Me Myself and The Dude Feb.19, 2008
Modern day profit, or modern day prophet? Freudian slip, perhaps? (mis-spelling in an attack on this guy)

(comment) Actually, no this couldn't be construed as a 'Freudian slip' as it doesn't fit the criterion of personal reference! However, you are probably correct in that prophet and profit (financial and carnal) are closely related in the long term reasons for the constant drivel on this thread!

This is not the first time a guy has hidden his true intent behind the facade of a caring theosophy. Allowing this person to continue on this thread and on this forum could be construed as facilitating this deceit, or worse!
